It is best if you can fresh your automobile in a space were you are out of the sun but most folks I know do not have a drain in their garage. If you have to do it outside like I do an overcast day with not a lot of sun is best. If the day is going to be sunny and bright try for the day or the late afternoon after the warm of the day.
Before I get began I will get out all of my pails, car fresh, rim cleanser, rim sweep, wheel wearing, fast detailer, resolution secure insert, degreaser and garden water hose. I will create sure that I have enough garden water hose to reach all the way around the automobile with little effort.
Now it's about time to get began the first this is to create sure the automobile is cool. I will spray on my degreaser in the rim well then hit the rim with rim cleanser. I will do this for all four tires. By enough time I finish the last one with putting on the cleanser, I pick up my rim sweep and provides the rim wells a fast cleaning. Then I fresh off the sweep and provides the rim a scrub. Now it's about time to fresh everything off well and begin on the next rim until all four are finish. With the tires done I shift on to cleansing the automobile.
I will begin by grabbing two five gallon pails in one I will place my resolution secure and the other will get the car detergent. Both will get filled about half way with water. Then I will begin by giving my automobile a good fresh down. I will use either a fresh mitt or sponge or cloth. The first dip is into the pail with the detergent and I will begin with the top of the automobile and perform my way down. Once I have stretched the detergent as far as I can I will fresh the sponge or cloth in the water that is fresh pail against the resolution secure to create sure the sponge or cloth is fresh. I will the get more detergent and continue until the section is compete. After each section is cleaned, I fresh that section off until no detergent is left. The way I perform the car is roof, front side and the big sleep, cover, top of footwear, front side one fourth section, entrance and windows, back one fourth section, and lastly the top side and back of the automobile. Based on how filthy the automobile is I will be watching the fresh water and changing it when the water gets too filthy.
Finally I am willing to dry the automobile. I like to use a small motorized inflator that will filter and warm the air to dry the automobile with. I will begin around all the entrance handles, tail lighting, marking lighting, trim, lug nuts, section breaks, mirrors, and head lighting. Once these areas are finish then I will dry the automobile from the top down. After this I will get a waffle incorporate micro-fiber hand soft small towel to get any staying water that is on the surface. Now if you do not have a motorized inflator take two waffle incorporate micro-fiber shower and use one to shift off as much water as you can. Then come right behind it with the other hand soft small towel to capture any staying water. With regards to the size of the automobile you may need two or three sets of shower. Once the body is dry I open the doors, footwear and cover to clean down any water out of the jambs. Then I will fresh the glass both on the inside and outside.
Now it's about here we are at a fast clean down with some fast detailer, a little wheel wearing, and based upon on how the tires look possibly a little rim wax. That would be how I would fresh my vehicles. If I wanted to shift along in the process then I would be preparing for sharpening but that will be for another time.